Version 1.1.1 Release - The Rossurrection Update

At last, the Rossurrection Update is upon us! After more than four years, Bob the Ross is back with a major update, including brand new features, alongside tons of bugfixes, quality of life improvements, general optimization, and more. Check out the full list of changes below:
Skills and Upgrades
A new skills and upgrades system has been added to the game, allowing the player to become increasingly stronger throughout a session. These skills range from basic combat upgrades such as an increased fire rate to productivy upgrades, that make the Slave Rosses more efficient. Here is the full list of the skills that have been added in the v1.1.1 Update:
- Magnetic Teeth (Auto-collect paintings by moving over them, without the need to use the interact button)
- Rapid Fire (Unlimited Fire Rate)
- Automatic Fire (available after Rapid Fire is purchased)
- Tough (Increase Health Points)
- Toughest (Increase Health Points - available after Tough is purchased)
- Super Jump (Increase Jump Height)
- Hyper Jump (Increase Jump Height - available after Super Jump is purchased)
- Olympic Runner (Increase Movement Speed)
- Run Like a Motherfucker (Increase Movement Speed - available after Olympic Runner is purchased)
- Just make the animation of mining paintings faster, just that (Just make the animation of mining paintings faster, just that)
- Motivation Plan (Increase Slave Rosses' Production Rates - available after Just make the animation of mining paintings faster, just that is unlocked)
- BDSM (Hability to whip Slave Rosses by pressing the Q key, to increase productivity)
Alongside all the skills, the player can now also spend their hard earned Wilderness Trail™ paintings to recover health points at the Healing Altar, located inside the Sweatshop. The cost of healing gets increasingly higher with each purchase, so remain careful out there!
Quality-of-life improvements
Plenty of quality-of-life improvements were added to the game, such as:
- Main Menu and Pause Menu
- A comprehensive How to Play section in both Menus
- Controls are now available in both menus
- A Game Over screen has been added
- More, advanced stats apart from just the Player Score are now shown in the Game Over Screen
- "Damage Taken" Feedback has been added - screen flashes red
- Health and Food stats are no longer represented in text
- Improved overall game text readability
- Added more text prompts for certain actions
- Improvement to the game's Environment, with tons of decorations
- Game World now has borders
- Military Rosses now shrink in size every time they take damage
- Improved Wild Rosses and Military Rosses spawning
- Improved Sprite Billboarding
- Items such as Wilderness Trail™ paintings that fall out of the map are now deleted, improving performance
- Added missing sprites and animations
- ???
- Alt + F4 is no longer the only way to close the game
I'm probably missing some (the programmer is asleep right now), but here's the bugs that were fixed (that I can remember):
- Fixed a bug that made interactions (E and R keys) harder, sometimes requiring multiple inputs;
- Fixed the UI Scale for different screen resolutions;
- Fixed various mouse-related bugs that sometimes made clicking buttons impossible;
- Fixed sprite sorting issues;
- Fixed the skybox;
- Turned a few bugs into features.
Thank you for playing our dumb little game. It was such a silly concept that worked out far better than we first imagined - during testing, I would sometimes catch myself losing track of time, playing the game for a bit longer than I should have. The same happened to the other devs, too. Once you get the hang of it and really learn how to optimize your game, you can get really far, really quick.
The game was never supposed to get an update at all; there were a lot of stuff that we had in mind during the Paint Jam, but weren't added due to the Jam's time constraints. We liked our silly game so much that we would sometimes come back to it and add a little thing here or fix a little thing there. Eventually the game got so much better than the Game Jam Version that it was really bothering us that people were playing the inferior version, so we got our shit together and finished the update, and now it's here!
If you like our game, let us know! While there are no planned updates from here on out, we're listening... Also, share the game with your friends! Don't suffer alone...
Get Bob The Ross
Bob The Ross
In a world where everybody is Bob Ross, become the richest of them all. ROSSURRECTION UPDATE OUT NOW!
More posts
- Version 1.0.2 releasedFeb 26, 2018
- First release!Feb 26, 2018
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